Adoption Stimulus Program
Adoption Stimulus Program Information
Adoption Stimulus Program in brief...
The APA offers optional assistance in many forms.
Your facility can chose to utilize these services at your discretion,
and always at no cost.
Reduce costs
Adoption Assessment looks at adoption costs and ways to reduce them.
Lower costs equals more adoptions.
Hard to adopt pets.
APA has ways to help get hard to adopt pets into good homes.
Moving these pets quickly reduces costs, and feels great.
Added professionalism
Provide professional interactions that encourage the adoption and ensures a
good home.
The #1 complaint from adoptees is the approval process.
We can help show ways to interact with the adoptee in a positive way,
but still assure the pet is going to a good home.
Streamline the process
Adoption Paperwork
Dry erase cage cards (provided by the APA)
Home approval policies.
Decrease Re-entry
APA Guardian gets pets home before coming to the shelter.
Effective promotion of responsible pet ownership provides pride in pet
ownership and more humane environments.
APA Staff trainers help solve pet owning problems and help ensure happier
owners, and pets.
Motivate and reward staff
APA provides fun, effective motivational programs that reward the staff and
encourage a positive workplace and professional behavior.
Employee ID Badges provide pride in employment and higher customer service
Professional Mediation Services
The APA can provide mediation services between employees and management or
adoptees and the facility.
Positive outcomes equal better reputations and lower costs.